Enhancing Veteran Patient Satisfaction with Digital Rounding

Enhancing Veteran Patient Satisfaction with Digital Rounding

Discover how a Northeastern VA Medical Center transformed their patient satisfaction reporting approach using Get Well’s digital rounding tool, to enhance the healthcare experience for both patients and clinicians. The implementation of virtual surveys with Rounds+ has allowed staff to proactively address patient needs, shifting focus from reactive problem-solving to delivering exceptional care.

Empowering Veteran Patients through Digital Education How Digitizing Education Can Help Deliver Better Outcomes

Empowering Veteran Patients through Digital Education

Discover how two Southeastern Veterans Affairs Healthcare System saw a decrease in Hospital-Wide All-Cause 30-Day Readmission Rates as more patients engaged with personalized video education. An educated patient is less likely to be readmitted, making brief video education a highly valuable component of the treatment plan.

Digital Library Improves the Veteran Patient Experience

Digital Library Provides Extended Access for Veteran Patients

How creating access to a digital library, in lieu of a physical library, improved Veteran patient experience. Dana Kear, Client Success Manager Reading books is a long-recognized method to improve mental health & wellbeing. Books can enrich our lives, but could they have health benefits as well? Researchers at Yale studied recorded submissions of 5,635