Activate More Patients and Grow Revenue

Help your patients proactively activate as well as manage their own care with our personalized, AI-powered outreach solutions and seamless appointment scheduling.

Diagram illustrating four key health screening points. Center shows a hospital icon. Surrounding it are icons for HbA1c with blood sugar testing, Annual wellness visit with blood pressure check, Cancer screening with a mammogram, and Vaccination with immunization. Includes personalized AI-enabled outreach for seamless appointment scheduling and proactive care.

Activate More Patients and Deliver the Right Message at the Right Time Through Our

Enterprise-Grade Platform

A smiling woman with short blond hair and glasses is looking at her smartphone. She is indoors, with a blurred background that includes a plant and assorted household items. She appears to be using her right hand for appointment scheduling on an AI-enabled outreach app.

Close Gaps in Care

Infrequent communication, complicated messaging or unclear instructions can cause care gaps. We close them as well as scale your value-based care initiatives through customized campaigns based on the unique needs of your care team and patient population. 

A diverse group of people, both men and women, are sitting in chairs and clapping while smiling and laughing. They are in a bright room with large windows. Some individuals are wearing glasses, and most are dressed casually. The atmosphere appears cheerful and lively, enhanced by discussions on AI-enabled outreach.

Scale Your Outreach

Replace high-cost and ineffective cold calling with automated messaging, self-service appointment scheduling, as well as real-time access to Get Well Care Navigators.

A man in a denim shirt is sitting at a white table, smiling while talking on the phone and typing on his laptop. In the background, there is a bowl of fruit and a blurred kitchen setting. He seems to be discussing proactive care while using personalized AI for appointment scheduling.

Activate Patients and Grow Revenue

Reactivate patients with personalized, right-time communications, delivered at scale, in order to help them get the care they may need, as well as grow revenue across your system.

A woman looking at her phone is displayed on the right, while on the left side, a chat with Mike, a navigator from Community Health, reminds her of an Annual Wellness visit. Below, there's a link for appointment scheduling and a menu for HbA1c, wellness visits, vaccinations, and screenings.

Adventist Health Activates More Patients and Generates $120M in
Net Patient Revenue with Get Well

We chose Get Well due to their track record of innovation in digital patient engagement at scale and willingness to partner together. The results speak for themselves: nearly one million patients contacted via 15 programs, 12 care gap areas targeted, $89 million in revenue generated since launch.

Jennifer Stemmler

Chief Information and Digital Officer

AdventistHealth logo
1.5 million patients served
20.2.M consumer touch points to date
$89 million net patient revenue generated to date
431000 Custom virtual navigator interactions

We have a well documented track record of success in delivering consumer-centered experiences that drive results.

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Adventist Health realizes $120M in patient revenue with Get Well

Adventist Health is a faith-based, nonprofit integrated health system serving more than 90 communities on the West Coast and Hawaii. Get Well has proudly served Adventist Health since 2021 and is currently live across the Adventist Health system.

A blog post header image featuring a smiling man. The post is titled Successful Hospital Discharge Starts at Admission: The Role of Get Well and Interactive Patient Care (IPC) by Joshua Young, VP of Interactive Patient Care and Smart Rooms. Discover the impact of personalized AI-enabled outreach.

Successful Patient Discharge Starts at Admission: How Get Well Can Drive Efficient Release from the Hospital

Interactive Patient Care (IPC) solutions are leading a paradigm shift: successful patient discharge truly begins at admission.

A blog post header with a dark purple background and the title, In the era of technology, why doesn’t healthcare make any sense? An image of a smiling man is to the right. The text includes Ryan Grimmett, Chief of Staff, Product, highlighting AI-enabled appointment scheduling.

In the era of technology, why doesn’t healthcare make any sense?

Only two of the five billing charges were from recognized organizations. Putting this into the consumer perspective, imagine if you received separate bills for cleaning, TV usage, electricity, internet, and laundry from a recent hotel stay. It seems counter-intuitive when applied to any other consumer industry yet in healthcare it’s standard practice.