How Staff Training Improves Veteran Patient Engagement
Discover how a Southeastern VA Medical Center implemented innovative staff training to improve Veteran patient engagement.
Discover how a Southeastern VA Medical Center implemented innovative staff training to improve Veteran patient engagement.
Discover how a hospital in the Midwest leveraged Get Well’s Meds to Go program to engage patients and strengthen their in-house retail pharmacy system.
Discover how a Southeastern VA Medical Center utilized innovating digital features to enhance Veteran Care
Learn how to enhance Post-Discharge Ostomy Care for Adults using Get Well at a Southeastern VAMC, and explore capabilities available in the Get Well Anywhere – Federal (GWA-F) platform, enabled by Get Well’s FedRAMP ATO.
In 2023, four Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Centers on the West Coast led a focused initiative to enhance clinical outcomes, specifically addressing the issue of in-hospital falls.
Explore how patient engagement, predictive analytics, and digital care coordination are impacting trends in emergency department management.
Learn how digital engagement plays a role in reducing ED costs and readmissions by addressing primary care access, behavioral health, and SDOH.
Discover how a Southeastern VA Medical Center optimized clinical staff training to improve Veteran Patient Engagement with Get Well.
Discover how Sunrise Association’s innovative Wheels Up! program, featured in Get Well’s solution for children’s hospitals, brings joy to pediatric patients worldwide.