Gratitude: The special sauce in human connection
Learn how health organizations can leverage technology to foster a culture of clinician gratitude.
Learn how health organizations can leverage technology to foster a culture of clinician gratitude.
Discover how a Southeast Veteran Affairs Medical Center used Get Well to digitize health education resources, increasing Veteran patient awareness and promoting a healthier lifestyle for all.
Christian Bagge, VP of Payer Strategy To say there is a lot going on within Medicare Advantage these days would be a massive understatement. In my role of payer strategy here at Get Well, I recently attended the 14th annual Medicare Star Ratings, HEDIS®, Quality Assurance and Risk Adjustment gathering a few weeks ago in
Discover how a Northeast VA Medical Center used Get Well to engage and educate Veteran patients, while reducing hospital-wide readmission rates.
Discover how the infection control team at one VA Medical Center leveraged Get Well technology to improve hand hygiene practices at the facility and reduce HAIs.
Discover how the infection control team at the Salem VA leveraged Get Well technology to improve hand hygiene practices at the facility and reduce HAI’s. You’ll also learn how four VISN 21 VA Medical Centers successfully reduced fall rates in their facilities while realizing cost-savings of over $5.5M in this 45-minute on-demand webinar.
How creating access to a digital library, in lieu of a physical library, improved Veteran patient experience. Dana Kear, Client Success Manager Reading books is a long-recognized method to improve mental health & wellbeing. Books can enrich our lives, but could they have health benefits as well? Researchers at Yale studied recorded submissions of 5,635
How a Southeast Veterans Affairs Medical Center revolutionized a national Age-Friendly Care movement to better care for people aged 65+. Dennis Shuman, Client Success Manager The IHI (Institute for Healthcare Improvement) has spearheaded the Age-Friendly Health Systems initiative – an action plan to address the growing challenge of reliably providing evidence-based practice to every older
Ryan Grimmett, Chief of Staff, Product Consumer technology has come a long way from the days of trekking to your local video rental store. Now, with smart TVs, you can effortlessly browse and stream the endless supply of films without concerns about availability or the hassle of physical in-store returns. This expectation of convenience has